Twitter highlights


EU legislation glossary (in several languages)

Global Slang Glossary

Glossary of Insurance Terms

Glossary of Naval Terms (EN-PT-ES)

Glossary of Roofing Terms (EN)

Glossary of Skincare Terminology

Green Glossary

List of medical roots, suffixes and prefixes

Pediatric cardiopathy glossary (Soperj newsletter – PT) (PDF)

Sustainability Terms (PT)

Thematic Glossary: Food and Nutrition (EN-PT) (PDF)

Visual Glossary of Symbols


10 Productivity Tips for the Mobile Translation Professional

Online Grammar Checker

Twitter feed – 7th IMTT Language & Technology Conference

The conference in Cordoba was a success! Great presentations, several networking opportunities, tons of info. I still was not able to write about the event, not even to publish the links I mentioned during my presentation (I promised, I know, will handle this during the weekend) but I couldn’t take too long to gather the messages otherwise info could be lost.

The best way of reading them is chronologically, from the bottom up.

I’m also gathering pictures of the event. Do you have any? Please let me know!

IMTT Conference – Twitter feed

Twitter highlights: terminology

Architecture glossary – English

Car Dictionary – English

Chemicals with molecular formula and CAS number – English

Clinical trials glossary – English, Spanish

Glossary of Diamond Related Terms – English

Glossary of Medical Words – English, plain language

Glossary of Poetic Terms – McGraw Hill – English

Glossary of Terms Related to Design Patent – English

IPPF Glossary of Terms related to sexual and reproductive health – English (PDF)

Glossary on Migration – English (PDF)

Medical glossary for patients – English, plain language

Multilingual paper dictionary – English, French, German, Finnish (PDF)

Multilingual sustainable construction glossary – English, Spanish, German, French (PDF)

Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary – English

Technical terms in electricity I – Portuguese

Technical terms in electricity II – Portuguese

Textile glossary – Italian

Twitter highlights: terminology

Human Anatomy – Asclépio – PTBR
Atlas de anatomia patológica e neuroimagem – PT
Car Sound Glossary – EN
Dicionário empresarial – Sebrae Paraná – PTBR
Forex Traders Glossary – Forex Peace Army Forum – EN
Food Glossary – EN-PTBR
Glossário de biotecnologia – Conselho de Informações sobre Biotecnologia – PTBR
Glossary of Terms: Foreign Exchange & Trade – Banco do Brasil – EN-PT
Glossário de moda – PTBR
Snow & Ice Glossary – PT–EN–GE–ES–FR (PDF)
Chemistry Glossary – EN
Glossário de Recursos Hídricos – PTBR (PDF)
Glossary of terms relating to European integration – EN
Glossary of transportation/logistics terms – EN-PTBR
Glossary of Green Terms – EN
Medical Dictionary – Medline Plus – EN
Multi-language Glossary on Natural Disasters – Asian Disaster Reduction Center
Termium Plus® – EN–FR–ES–PT
USGS Photo Glossary of volcanic terms – EN
Vocabulário de formas farmacêuticas – Anvisa 2011 – PTBR (PDF)

(Português) Cobertura da LTAC no Twitter

Sorry, this entry is only available in Português.

Hoje a amanhã (5 e 6 de abril) ocorre a LTAC – LUSPIO Translation Automation Conference em Roma. Informações sobre o programa no site oficial do evento.

Cobertura ao vivo no Twitter:

Para ler todos os posts no twitter sobre a LTAC, use a busca pela hashtag do evento. Não é preciso estar cadastrado no Twitter.

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