Coverage: Think Latin America

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Event website

Coverage: ATA-TCD Business of Translation Conference

Click “Join the conversation” above to read all messages with the event hashtag.

ATA Translation Company Division website

Coverage: memoQfest

Video: Day 1

Streaming Video by Ustream.TV

Video: Day 2

Video streaming by Ustream


Official program

I wish I could be in Budapeste this week! But I’m going to follow the Conference via Twitter and video.

Jornadas de Línguas Aplicadas da Universidade do Minho

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Official programme

Event page in Facebook

(Português) Cobertura da LTAC no Twitter

Sorry, this entry is only available in Português.

Hoje a amanhã (5 e 6 de abril) ocorre a LTAC – LUSPIO Translation Automation Conference em Roma. Informações sobre o programa no site oficial do evento.

Cobertura ao vivo no Twitter:

Para ler todos os posts no twitter sobre a LTAC, use a busca pela hashtag do evento. Não é preciso estar cadastrado no Twitter.

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